Multi-Release JAR Check

As of May 2021, Maven and Gradle and Ant (and other build tools) don’t use JDK’s jar tool to create or update JAR files. Said (over-)simplified, most of them make use of a zip-like process that generates a .zip file with a .jar as an ending.

Since Java 9, jar also tries to validate the contents of a JAR file it creates or updates. This goes for plain JAR file, modular JAR files, plain MR-JAR files, and also modular MR-JAR files.

This blog is about validating existing MR-JAR files, be they plain or modular, in regard of the following two categories. I’ll extend this list when needed.

New or Different Classes

(…) the classes in a multi-release JAR file should be exactly the same across versions.

Wrong Release

For example, when a MR-JAR contains a version 9 directory within its META-INF facility, it shouldn’t contain classes that are compiled with --release 10 or higher.

Command-line Demo

It’d be cool, if there was a: jar --validate --file FILE.jar option…

…but as there is none, let’s roll our own validator! Using as much logic as possible from the jar tool itself and JDK classes where applicable.

Usage: java <JAR|GAV>
       JAR = path to local JAR file
       GAV = Maven Central coordinates
Expected 9, but 'META-INF/versions/9/module-info.class' reports: 10 (54)
entry: META-INF/versions/12/tech/units/indriya/format/NumberFormatStyle.class, contains a new public class not found in base entries
entry: META-INF/versions/12/tech/units/indriya/format/NumberDelimiterQuantityFormat.class, contains a class with different api from earlier version
module-info.class in a versioned directory contains additional "requires transitive"
module-info.class in a versioned directory contains additional "requires transitive"
entry: META-INF/versions/14/tech/units/indriya/AbstractSystemOfUnits.class, contains a class with different api from earlier version
invalid multi-release jar file $TEMP/MultiReleaseCheck-4926303968850859607/indriya-2.1.2.jar deleted