Record Class JavacCommand

Record Components:
release - Compile source code according to the rules of the Java programming language for the specified Java SE release, generating class files which target that release.
modules - Compiles those source files in the named modules that are newer than the corresponding files in the output directory.
moduleSourcePathPatterns - Specifies where to find source files when compiling code in multiple modules: a module-pattern form, in which the source path for each module is specified by a pattern.
moduleSourcePathSpecifics - Specifies where to find source files when compiling code in multiple modules: a module-specific form, in which a package path is given for each module containing code to be compiled.
modulePathsOption - Specifies where to find application modules.
verbose - Outputs messages about what the compiler is doing. Messages include information about each class loaded and each source file compiled.
outputDirectoryForClasses - Specify where to place generated class files.
additionals - Aggregates additional command-line arguments.
All Implemented Interfaces:

public record JavacCommand(JavacCommand.ReleaseOption release, ModulesOption modules, ModuleSourcePathPatternsOption moduleSourcePathPatterns, ModuleSourcePathSpecificsOption moduleSourcePathSpecifics, ModulePathsOption modulePathsOption, VerboseOption verbose, OutputDirectoryOption outputDirectoryForClasses, AdditionalArgumentsOption additionals) extends Record implements Command<JavacCommand>
The javac command reads Java declarations and compiles them into class files.
See Also: